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Corsair RESPONDS on Fanatec (Warranties OK)

If you're a Fanatec customer wondering about the future of your product warranties, repairs, or whether you should still consider buying Fanatec equipment, you're not alone! With Endor AG, the parent company behind Fanatec, currently undergoing liquidation, many consumers have been left in the dark. Questions about warranty validity, product availability, and the brand’s future are top of mind for many.

In an effort to provide clarity, I reached out to Corsair, which recently acquired Fanatec's assets, to get answers to these pressing concerns. Corsair responded directly, addressing whether they will honor existing warranties and what their plans are moving forward. The good news? Corsair confirmed they will honor all valid warranties for Fanatec customers, offering some peace of mind during this period of uncertainty.

But there's more to the story—read on to learn what else is in store for Fanatec's customers and the future of the brand under Corsair's ownership.

Below are my full questions and Corsair's responses, offering clarity on the situation for Fanatec consumers.

See my full YouTube video here: Corsair RESPONDS on Fanatec (Warranties OK?)

Kireth: We've seen the statement that Corsair is acquiring the business operations of Endor AG, but also that Endor AG will be liquidated. Does this mean that the Fanatec business and brand are being transferred to Corsair?

Corsair: Corsair has acquired the Fanatec brand, product line, assets and people as part of the Endor AG insolvency process.

Kireth: As consumer Fanatec warranties are with Endor AG, which will be liquidated, does Corsair intend to honour existing valid Fanatec warranties?

Corsair: Corsair will honour all valid warranties for customers of Fanatec products.

Kireth: If consumers purchase Fanatec equipment in this period, will items in stock still be delivered to them?

Corsair: Corsair will ensure all customer orders are fulfilled as quickly and efficiently as possible. The acquisition will not hinder customers from receiving their orders of Fanatec products.

Kireth: The statement says that Endor AG's real estate remains up for sale. Will Corsair continue to operate the existing Fanatec office as part of the acquisition?

Corsair: The existing office in Landshut, from which Fanatec operates, will continue to be used by the Fanatec team.

Kireth: Will the new Fanatec office, with the go-kart track, be transferred to Corsair as part of the acquisition?

Corsair: Corsair is not buying this new building, and it is still owned by Endor.

Kireth: Does Corsair intend to run Fanatec as a fully fledged sim racing hardware brand, or is Corsair just acquiring elements of Fanatec to absorb into existing operations?

Corsair: Corsair has bought all assets related to Fanatec products and people. Landshut will remain as headquarters of Sim Racing. More to follow.

A statement will be released in the coming days, which will give further details and information.

These answers from Corsair provide much-needed clarity for Fanatec customers. The company assures that warranties will be honored, orders will be fulfilled, and the Fanatec brand will continue to operate under Corsair’s ownership. However, certain aspects, such as the transfer of specific properties like the new office building, remain under Endor’s ownership. More updates are expected soon as the acquisition process progresses.

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