Trial Mountain Circuit

Trial Mountain Circuit

Master Trial Mountain Circuit.

One of the best circuits in the world, now letโ€™s master it!

Video Guide

Vehicle Dynamics and Track Strategy

The Subaru WRX at Trial Mountain

  • Subaru WRX: The WRX proves to be a formidable choice for Trial Mountain, combining speed with exceptional handling. Its performance is enhanced by strategic shifting and maintaining momentum through the circuit's varied corners.

  • Nissan GTR: For those seeking an alternative, the GTR emerges as a viable option, with a driving feel distinct from the WRX. Its ability to rotate smoothly through corners may appeal to drivers looking for a different racing experience.

Key Tips for a Successful Lap

Starting Strong

  • A powerful launch is crucial, especially as it marks both the beginning and end of your lap. Opt for lifting and short shifting to third gear to maximize your exit speed from the final corner, a tactic that pays dividends down Trial Mountain's opening straight.

Precision Shifting

  • Shifting at the precise moment the rev meter fills ensures optimal acceleration without over-revving, a critical technique for maintaining top speed in the WRX.

Notable Corners and Markers

  • Opening Bend: Utilize the yellow tent on the left as a cue for a slight brake and turn in, aiming to cut the corner without crossing the curb with more than two tires.

  • Tunnel Entrance and Exit: Braking just as you're fully enveloped in the tunnel's shadow allows for a tight line and early acceleration, setting up for the long straight that follows.

  • Back Straight Approach: The yellow road sign serves as your braking marker before the final chicane, with a need to downshift and prepare for a sharp turn to maintain speed onto the main straight.


Trial Mountain demands respect and precision, rewarding drivers who master their vehicle's unique characteristics and the track's complex layout. The Subaru WRX stands out as the go-to car for its balance of speed and agility, though the Nissan GTR offers a compelling alternative for those looking to experiment. This guide provides a foundation for success, emphasizing strategic shifting, corner entry, and exit strategies. With practice and attention to the detailed markers and tips provided, Trial Mountain can become a circuit where skilled drivers shine.


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