Tokyo Expressway

Tokyo Expressway

Master Tokyo Expressway.

One of the best circuits in the world, now letโ€™s master it!

Video Guide

Vehicle Choice: BMW M4 Group 4

The BMW M4 Group 4 emerges as the star of the show for this race, thanks to its exceptional rotation and the need for early shifting. This vehicle's unique characteristics make it perfectly suited for the tight, barrier-lined corners of the Tokyo Expressway, where every millisecond and smooth gear transition counts.

Key Strategies for Success

Avoid Barrier Contact

  • The paramount strategy is to avoid any contact with the barriers. Even a light touch can incur a detrimental one-and-a-half-second penalty, potentially cascading into more significant time losses.

Corner Memorization

  • Familiarity with the track layout is crucial. Many corners can appear similar at high speeds, making it easy to misjudge your approach. Spend time learning the sequence of turns to anticipate and prepare for what's ahead, ensuring a cleaner and faster race.

Optimal Gear Shifting

  • The BMW M4 Group 4 thrives on early shifting. Keep an eye on the revs and shift up sooner than you might feel is natural. This technique helps in maintaining optimal acceleration without overtaxing the engine, crucial for the long straights and quick exits on this circuit.

Lap Breakdown

Initial Straight and Turns

  • Start: Look for the transition in the wall from solid to spaced sections as your cue for the first major turn. A slight brake into 6th gear, then an early turn-in ensures a smooth arc through the bend.

  • Tunnel Entry: Use the yellow arrow marker as your reference for turning in, shifting into 7th just as you pass over the bump for a well-timed acceleration.

Mid-Lap Focus

  • Crest and Descent: Brake just before the red lines across the tarmac at the hill's crest, downshift to 6th, and commit early to the throttle for the downhill stretch.

  • Tunnel Exit: Brake where the white squares start, dropping to 5th gear, hugging the right side, and then power through on exit, shifting early to 6th.

Final Sections

  • Approach to Last Corner: The shadow in the tunnel serves as your cue to turn in flat, short shifting to 7th. Exiting the tunnel, brake just before, down to 5th, sticking close to the left wall for a powerful exit.

  • Final Turn: Spot the yellow sign on the left, a bit of braking, down to 5th, then power through as the car begins to rotate, finishing strong.


The Tokyo Expressway demands a balance of aggression and precision, with an unwavering focus on avoiding penalties and maximizing the BMW M4's capabilities. Remember, success on this track is as much about what you avoid as what you engage. With practice, anticipation, and strategic gear shifts, you're set to dominate Daily Race B.


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