Autopolis International Racing Course

Autopolis International Racing Course

Master Autopolis International Racing Course.

One of the best circuits in the world, now let’s master it!

Video Guide

Overview and Car Recommendation

For Daily Race C at Autopolis, the Mazda Atenza shines as the preferred vehicle, offering the best balance of speed and handling required for the technicalities of the track. The race setting is straightforward with BOP (Balance of Performance) enabled and no tuning allowed, ensuring a level playing field.

Key Sections and Driving Tips

  1. First Major Turn: Begin braking just after the 100-meter board, near the end of the barrier, shifting down to second gear. Initiate your turn slightly before the end of the orange barrier on the left, and power through early to accelerate down the back straight effectively.

  2. Approaching the U-Turn: Look for a path off to the left as your cue to brake, moving down to third gear. Ease off the brakes early to allow the car to turn smoothly and start accelerating before hitting the apex to carry speed into the extended U-turn. A dab of brake helps maintain a tight line, with careful throttle application ensuring momentum is preserved.

  3. Hairpin to the Mid-Sector: Brake before the curb ends on your right, downshifting to second gear. Use first gear briefly to aid in rotation if needed, but staying in second might be faster if you can manage the car's turning radius well. Power should be applied midway through the turn for a smooth exit.

  4. Final Sector Complex: This section demands precision, especially with a challenging uphill right-hander. A slight brake dab helps keep the car aligned with the curb on the right, shifting down to second gear. Early acceleration is crucial here to maintain speed uphill. Approaching the last few corners, a mix of slight braking and careful throttle control ensures the car stays balanced and ready to sprint towards the finish line.


Achieving a competitive time of 54 seconds, with aspirations for the high 53s, indicates the effectiveness of this guide for getting a head start on race week. By focusing on precise braking points, strategic gear shifts, and optimal throttle application, drivers can improve their performance around Autopolis.

Remember, the key to mastering Autopolis in a Group 4 car, particularly the Mazda Atenza, lies in understanding the track’s nuances and how to exploit them to your advantage. Practice these tips to climb up the grid and secure better starting positions in your races.


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