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Motorsport Games earnings call reveals future Le Mans Ultimate plans
Motorsport Games’ latest earnings call revealed some positive news for the beleaguered developer of Le Mans Ultimate, with a revenue of $3 million in the first quarter of 2024…
Le Mans Ultimate continues to improve
Le Mans Ultimate’s second major patch addressed several issues with the game last week…
Le Mans Ultimate Patch 1 released
Just four weeks into its life as an Early Access title, Le Mans Ultimate gained its first significant update last week…
Le Mans Ultimate is released!
Last week, the biggest news in the world of sim racing was that Studio 397 and Motorsport Games’ Le Mans Ultimate finally saw the light of day, albeit in Steam Early Access.
Despite a few hiccups, Le Mans Ultimate (LMU) has enjoyed a largely positive reception from critics and seems to be a solid foundation to build on for the future, boasting impressive visuals and sounds from the off.