Sardegna - Road Track

Sardegna - Road Track

Master Sardegna - Road Track.

One of the best circuits in the world, now let’s master it!

Video Guide

Optimal Car Selection

The Toyota Supra emerges as the frontrunner for this track, offering the best performance. However, alternatives like the Genesis, Mustang, and particularly the Corvette—a previous speed leader—also present viable options for racers looking for variety or a challenge.

Corner Analysis and Breaking Points

Key Corners and Braking Marks

The focus of this guide centers on critical corners and braking marks essential for achieving competitive lap times. One specific corner to watch is the left-hander following the second chicane. Its positioning before a long straight makes mastering its approach crucial for maintaining speed throughout the lap.

Braking Point Visuals

During races, PlayStation billboards serve as handy references, allowing braking just on or after the second billboard. However, in qualifying scenarios, these billboards disappear, leaving racers to rely on alternative markers. White poles with black tops and red reflectors along the barrier right-hand side, particularly just after the second pole past the 50-board mark, become critical for timing your braking accurately.

Lap Breakdown

Starting the Lap

With the Supra, short-shifting is a strategy employed at various points, although some corners require adherence to the end of the revs. Notable points include:

  • Heavy braking just before the 100-board, ensuring the car uses the track's full width, transitioning down to second gear. It's vital to short-shift to third before powering out to avoid losing the rear.

  • Flat-out sections are followed by braking just before the grass-to-sand transition, utilizing trail braking into the second gear, ensuring the car positions over to the left half of the track.

  • Approaching the mentioned critical left-hander, maintain fourth gear, targeting the second pole past the 50 board for braking, short-shift to third, and accelerate out promptly.

Sardegna's Complex Sections

The guide underscores the importance of car positioning and gear management through Sardegna's more complex sections. For instance, utilizing first gear to swing the car around certain corners, then quickly shifting to second before acceleration, is a tactic repeated across different parts of the track to maintain control and speed.

Finishing Strong

Achieving a lap time of 1:39.6, while not top 10, represents a strong performance indicative of the guide's effectiveness. This lap breakdown, coupled with strategic gear shifts and precise braking points, equips racers with the knowledge to tackle Sardegna Road Track A confidently.


This guide not only bids farewell to Gran Turismo Sport but also equips racers with invaluable insights for conquering Sardegna Road Track A in Gran Turismo 7. By choosing the right car, mastering braking points, and executing strategic gear shifts, racers can look forward to not just competing but excelling in Daily Race B.


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