Red Bull Ring

Red Bull Ring

Master Red Bull Ring.

One of the best circuits in the world, now let’s master it!

Video Guide

Circuit Overview

The Red Bull Ring is a masterclass in circuit design, balancing high-speed sections with technical corners that demand precision and strategic planning. The track is divided into three sectors, each with its unique challenges:

  • Sector 1 emphasizes the importance of straight-line speed and hard braking.

  • Sector 2 introduces a series of technical turns that test a driver's ability to maintain momentum while navigating tight corners.

  • Sector 3 ramps up the pressure with its high-speed corners, where the right balance between speed and control can make or break a lap.

Key Strategies for Success

Turn 1 and Turn 3: Mastering the Art of Braking and Acceleration

  • Braking: Begin braking just before the 100-meter board, transitioning from maximum braking in a straight line to a gradual release as you approach the corner.

  • Acceleration: Surprisingly, the key to these corners is to get back on the throttle sooner than intuition might suggest, particularly in turbocharged cars where spooling up the turbo early is crucial.

Sector 2: The Technical Heart of the Track

  • This sector requires a delicate balance between aggressive driving and maintaining control, especially when navigating the sausage curbs. The key is to brake early but not too harshly, allowing for a smooth transition back onto the throttle as you exit the corners.

Final Corners: Precision Under Pressure

  • The last few corners of the track demand early braking and a keen sense of when to dip back into the throttle. Utilizing the camber of the road and carefully unwinding the steering can help maintain speed without sacrificing control.

Lap Execution: Corner by Corner Breakdown

  • Start of Lap: Position the car optimally for the dive into Turn 1, focusing on a straight approach and hard braking before easing off to throttle in.

  • Turn 4: An early brake point is essential, with the focus on lining up the car to maximize exit speed. Here, the weight transfer of the car becomes a critical factor.

  • Midfield Complex: Utilize visual cues like the white lines and rubbered-in racing line to nail the perfect apex and exit points.

  • Final Sector: Early braking with a smooth reapplication of throttle sets you up for success, keeping the car stable and fast through to the finish line.


Conquering the Red Bull Ring in Gran Turismo 7 requires a blend of strategic braking, precise throttle control, and an intimate understanding of the track's layout. By implementing the tactics outlined in this guide, racers will not only improve their lap times but also deepen their appreciation for the intricacies of one of racing's most challenging circuits. Remember, practice makes perfect, and the quest for the ideal lap is a journey of continuous learning and adaptation.




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